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(+254) 728 415 586

Our Location

Kanamkemer, Turkana


Success Story: Youth Sports Event in Kapua Village – Bridging Generations for Elderly Well-being

Success Story: Youth Sports Event in Kapua Village – Bridging Generations for Elderly Well-being

In June 2024, Pure Gift CBO organized a football match between Kapua FC and Power Thunder FC, two local youth teams, with the goal of bringing generations together to support the elderly. The event, held in Kapua village, was more than just a game; it was a celebration of unity and care for the community’s […]

Success Story: Rebecca Nang’iro’s Journey to a Safer Home

Rebecca Nang’iro, a 72-year-old widow from Turkana County, had spent years living in a frail, makeshift hut, exposed to the harsh elements and the dangers of the wild. In 2024, Pure Gift CBO identified her as one of the most vulnerable elderly in the region. With the help of generous donors, they transformed her unsafe shelter into a sturdy home, providing her with safety, comfort, and renewed dignity. This new home symbolized not just protection from the elements but the care and love of a community that had not forgotten her. Rebecca’s story stands as a testament to the profound impact of Pure Gift CBO in restoring hope and security to the elderly in Turkana.


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